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Radio Resistance
2018 broadcasts

29th December, 2018

Happy New Year

This week's broadcast features:
- NHS in crisis - how to save and improve it
- Yellow Vest protests continue in France, and add new supporters
- Alt Right danger
- Hungary protests against work law
- Speeches from 17th November anti racist demo in London,
   from immigration lawyer Jacqueline McKenzie
   and a representative from the Muslim Association of Britain
- extracts from Chesterfield Socialist Worker forum on Reggae, Resistance and Revolution

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21st December, 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- Fightback needed to finish off ALL the Tories
- Universal Credit - the nightmare at Christmas
- speech at the 2018-11-17 anti-racist demo by FBU general secretary Matt Wrack
- Chesterfield demo for the Stansted 15, with speech by James Eaden
- Chesterfield Socialist Worker forum on Reggae, Resistance and Revolution (by Tim)
- Fracking off at Preston New Road and Tinker Lane
- speech at counter demo to Tommy Robinson and Ukip, by Sharar Ali of Green Party
- continuing discussion on:
   Charities - a useful safety net, or a dangerous fig leaf for cuts and oppression ?

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15th December, 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- May survives, but Tory Brexit crisis continues
- Solidarity with Stansted 15 and refugees
- French Yellow Vest protests cause crisis for Macron
- Counter demo against Tommy Robinson, Ukip, fascism and racism
   with speeches by Weyman Bennett, Claudia Webb, and Louisa Ward
- Fracking update, with speech from Sheffield Frackdown Rally (13/10) by Red Debs
- Discussion on Charities - a useful safety net, or a dangerous fig leaf for cuts and oppression ?

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8th December, 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- Why we must demonstrate against Nazi Tommy Robinson tomorrow, Sunday 9th December
- Fracking update, with speech from Climate Justice protest
   by Sue Allen of Frack Free United
- Strikes in South Korea
- Climate Justice protest in London, with speech by Claire James of
   Campaign Against Climate Change
- France Yellow Vest protests continue, plus background -
   speech from Chesterfield Socialist Worker forum, by James Eaden
- Grenfell Tower cladding manufacturer tries to limit compensation to victims

Speeches from Unity demo against racism and fascism, by:
- Colleen Calwright, Labour (Chipping Barnet)
- Louise Raw, author and feminist
- Moyra Samuels, Justice 4 Grenfell

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1st December, 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- Why we must demonstrate against Nazi Tommy Robinson on 9th December
- Fracking update
- Vauxhall and Cammell Laird strikes against job cuts
- Discrimination against benefit claimants by landlords, enforced by banks, and demos
  against this outside NatWest branches

Speeches from Unity demo against racism and fascism, by:
- Chris Nineham, Stop The war
- Kate Hudson, CND
- Tom Robinson, the left wing musician

Speech from the 13th October Sheffield Global Frackdown Rally, by:
- Julie Field, a concerned parent

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25th November, 2018
This week's broadcast features:
- Tories' Brexit crisis
- Unity demo against racism and fascism
- French Yellow Vests movement, and other French strikes and protests
- Extinction Rebellion London demo
- Lock ons at Tinker Lane fracking site

Speeches from Unity demo against racism and fascism, by:
- Weyman Bennett, SUTR co-convenor
- Sabu Dhali, SUTR co-convenor
- Miriam Kay, NUS national executive
- David Rosenberg, Jewish Socialist Group

Speeches from Stand Up To Racism national conference, by:
- Lowkey, Love Music Hate Racism

Speech from the 13th October Sheffield Global Frackdown Rally, by:
- Jenny Patient, Unite The Union

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16th November, 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- Racism across the world, and how to fight it
- US elections give mixed results
- Fracking update
- Chesterfield Socialist Worker forum: Peterloo Massacre (Eli)

Speeches from Stand Up To Racism national conference, by:
- Petros Constantinou, Greek anti-fascist group Keerfa
- John McDonnell MP, shadow chancellor
- Zara Sykes, Love Music Hate Racism

Speech from the 13th October Sheffield Global Frackdown Rally, by:
- Louise Haigh MP, shadow policing minister

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9th November, 2018
This week's broadcast features:
- Plight of refugees in UK, US and Europe
- Grenfell "bonfire" outrage
- Google strikes over sexism
- Housing demo and housing problems
- Fracking update

Speeches from Stand Up To Racism national conference, by:
- Catherine West MP, about refugees
- Dee Lush, Love Music Hate Racism

Speech from the Sheffield demo on the eve of the budget, by:
- Kerry, Defend Council Housing

Speeches from the 29th September Birmingham demo outside Tory conference, by:
- Andrew Scattergood, West Midlands FBU
- Campaigner against nursery privatisation and closure

Speeches from the 13th October Sheffield Global Frackdown Rally, by:
- Sheila, Misson Springs anti-fracking activist
- Grace, 10 yr old girl from near Misson Springs

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3rd November, 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- Bolsonaro wins Brazil presidential elections, and AfD gain in Hesse, Germany
- Nazi terrorist murders of Jews in Pittsburgh, USA, plus Sheffield vigil for victims
- UCU vote for strikes, but many thwarted by Tory anti-union laws
- Tory budget and Sheffield demo on evening of budget
- Fracking earthquakes continue, plus speech by James Eaden of Chesterfield Trades Council
   at Global Frackdown Rally in Sheffield (13th October)

Speeches from Stand Up To Racism national conference, by:
- Cornelia Kerth, of German equivalent of SUTR
- Dave Randall, musician and author in LMHR

Speeches from the Sheffield demo on the eve of the budget, by:
- Sam Moorcroft, UCU union
- Dave, Sheffield Labour activist
- Deborah Corban, NHS campaigner

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26th October, 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- Glasgow strikes for equal pay
- Fracking earthquakes, demo at PNR, and Tinker Lane update
- speech by David Kestevan at Sheffield Global Frackdown rally
- Brexit and People's Vote demo
- Racism, refugee marches and Tommy Robinson
- Stand Up To Racism national conference

Speeches from Stand Up To Racism national conference, by:
- Alex Kenny, NEU teachers' union
- Diane Abbott, shadow home secretary
- Roger Huddle, Rock Against Racism

Speeches from the demo outside the Tory Party Conference, 29th September, by:
- Janice Godrich, PCS union
- Salma Yaqoub, Birmingham campaigner

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19th October, 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- Tories hostile environment causes deportation of chronically ill migrant
- Benefit sanctions, plus speech by Amelia Womack of Peoples Assembly
   (at demo outside Tory conference)
- Glasgow City Council strikes for equal pay
- Speech by Roger McKenzie of Unison (at demo outside Tory conference)
- Fracking starts in UK, Preston New Road 3 protectors freed, and Global Frackdown
  carnival and rally in Sheffield,
  incl speeches by Deborah Gibson of Harthill Against Fracking
   and Jane Parva, partner of one of PNR3
- Jeremy Corbyn statement to demo outside Tory conference
- Global Frackdown party at DINA Arts Centre

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12th October, 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- Universal Credit to ruin more lives
- Child abuse ain't a race issue
- Rail strikes, incl speech by Mick Cash of RMT (at demo outside Tory conference)
- Fracking, demo for the PNR3, and climate change warning
- Norma Amar, of SUTR, speech at demo outside Tory conference
- John Rees, of Peoples Assembly, speech at demo outside Tory conference
- Chesterfield fundraiser for Gaza

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5th October, 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- Tory racist immigration policies and Nazis at Tommy Robinson court demo
- Preston New Road 3 and Global Frackdown Carnival
- Demo and march outside Tory Party conference
including speeches by:
- Birmingham Home Care workers
- Tim Roach, GMB
- Bob Williams Finley, DPAC
- Jill Ogleby, prospective Labour MP for Walsall

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28th September, 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- Labour Party conference
- Free the Preston New Road 3 anti-fracking protectors!
- NHS workers strike against Wholly Owned Subsidiaries outsourcing
- UKIP racist far right conference, and anti-racist demo outside
- Politics Of The Mind book about mental illness
- Jeremy Corbyn speech at start of Labour Party conference

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22nd September, 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- Sunderland fascist violence shows need to build anti racist demos
- Govt changes Permitted Development to enable Fracking,
   with speech at Barlborough Against Fracking community meeting
- Istanbul airport construction workers' strike
- German / Austrian border protest against racism
- Peoples Vote campaign and its flaws
- North East Derbyshire Labour fundraiser party in Killamarsh,
  with live music, poetry, and speech by Chris Peace

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14th September, 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- Call for action against racism and fascism
- Councils invest in dirty fracking
- Birmingham home care workers' strike
- Iraq protests over toxic water
- Nazi menace in Sweden
- Whitwell Festival of Music

Comments invited for ongoing feature: What made you an anti-racist?

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7th September, 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- Labour's "new" "definition" of antisemitism
- Fracking, feat interview at Tinker Lane protectors' camp
- Victory as SOAS ends outsourcing
- Germans fight back against fascist resurgence
- Rebecca speaks about disabled refugees at Marxism 2018
- Whitwell Festival of Music 2017 - Attila The Stockbroker poem about Orgreave

Comments invited for ongoing feature: What made you an anti-racist?

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1st September, 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- Far right danger in UK and Europe, and 17th November demo against racism and fascism
- Why do kids go hungry in school holidays?
- Strikes by US prisoners
- Protests in Uganda after Bobi Wine arrested
- Fracking update, including interview at Marsh Lane
- "Fracking Hell" poem (at Manchester demo, October 2018)

Comments invited for ongoing feature: What made you an anti-racist?

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25th August, 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- NHS data used to deport migrants
- Genoa bridge collapse
- Driver Only Operation - why it's a bad idea
- Fracking update, feat John Ashton speaking at Preston New Road
- part 2 of Chesterfield Socialist Worker forum on Plastics (Amy Leather)
- Cop cleared of Rashan Charles' killing, plus Janet Alder at Marxism 2018
- How to promote your online radio station

Comments invited for ongoing feature: What made you an anti-racist?

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17th August, 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- As right wing denounces Corbyn, May's Tories' links to international terrorists
- Boris Johnson's rabid rant fuels rise in racism
- Migrant workers' strikes at Ministry of Justice and Kensington and Chelsea Council
- Bookmarks solidarity day following Nazi attack
- Amy Leather on Plastics, at Chesterfield Socialist Worker Forum
- Building your online radio station - on-location recording
- Irish pro-choice Repeal The 8th campaigner at Marxism 2018

Comments invited for ongoing feature: What made you an anti-racist?

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10th August, 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- Solidarity with Bookmarks bookshop, following Nazi attack
- Grenfell campaigners' victories, incl Moyra Samuels of justice4Grenfell at Marxism 2018
- Wigan NHS striker at Marxism 2018
- Tommy Robinson, incl Jewish Socialist Group at London anti-racist demo, 14th July
- Fracking, anti-fracking movie, and Chris Peace at Marsh Lane Festival Against Fracking, 23rd June
- What made you an anti racist? My story
- How to start your own local Radio Resistance

Comments invited for ongoing feature: What made you an anti-racist?

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3rd August, 2018

This week's broadcast continues catching up on some of the things that happened while we were off air, featuring:
- Glasgow refugees face eviction
- Fracking update
- Durham Miners Gala
- Anti-Trump demos around 13th July, focus on London
- Chesterfield LGBT+ Pride
- Marxism 2018 meeting on Disability and resistance
- Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival

Comments invited for coming feature: What made you an anti-racist?

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27th July, 2018

This week's return broadcast attempts to catch up on some of the things that happened while we were off air, featuring:
- Israel's new law proves itself as a racist state
- Wigan victory against NHS privatisation, plus audio from Save Our NHS London demo of 30th June
- Sheffield Supertram strike, and Tramlines music festival
- Truth about Tommy Robinson, and anti-racist London counter demo of 14th July (with audio)
- Fracking update
- Sheffield anti-Trump demo of 13th July, with audio

Comments invited for coming feature: What made you an anti-racist?

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29th June, 2018
This week's broadcast features:
- Wigan NHS strike and coming NHS London demo
- Roma persecution by Italian right wing government
- Heathrow airport expansion - the resistance continues
- Chesterfield fracking inquiry update, including speeches from last Tuesday's demo
- Marxism 2018
- Marsh Lane Festival Against Fracking, with speech from David Kesteven

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Latest broadcast
22nd June, 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- Trump caging kids, and other reasons to protest his visit
- Aquarius refugee ship, and racism across Europe
- Wigan NHS strikes, and how to defend our NHS
- Orgreave Rally - poetry by Matt Abbott
- Chesterfield fracking inquiry, with speeches
- Why we don't cheer England in sports
- plus poetry at Chesterfield LMHR fundraiser for refugees
- plus speeches from Stand Up To Racism regional conference, on 2nd June

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16th June, 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- Grenfell Tower inferno
- Fracking update
- Wigan strike to save the NHS
- Fascists on march in London - how can we stop them ?
- Speeches from Sheffield SUTR regional conference by Daniel Kebede of the NEU,
   and Paul Scarrap of Healey Labour Party
- Young workers hammered by austerity - the real cause
- Dronfield Labour fundraiser, plus speech by Chris Peace (parliamentary candidate for NE Derbyshire)

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8th June, 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- Tommy Robinson lionisation by far right, and Leeds racist attacks
- Fracking news, including interview at Marriotts protection camp
- Strikes in Brazil, Jordan and Iran
- DFLA racist demo in Manchester, and anti-racist counter demo
- Brian Richardson of Stand Up To Racism speech at Sheffield SUTR regional conference
- Rajoy resigns as Spanish leader - good riddance!
- Nadia Id of Stand Up To Racism speech at Sheffield SUTR regional conference
- Chesterfield SW forum on Grenfell One Year On - How do we get justice? with Amy Murch

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1st June, 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- Irish abortion referendum - a landslide for women's rights
- Tommy Robinson jailed - not a hero but a racist zero
- Wigan NHS strike and wholly owned subsidiaries
- Pauline Twigg, of Royal College of Midwives, speech at Chesterfield May Day
- Demos  in Germany against fascist AfD
- Heather Fletcher, of Jewish Muslim Forum, speech at Manchester anti-FLA rally
- Fracking update - Tinker Lane camp and Marriotts lock ons
- Chris Peace speech at Chesterfield May Day
- Colin Hampton, of Unite Community Branch, speech at Chesterfield Universal Credit meeting

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25th May 2018

This week's broadcast features:
- Trump's planned visit on 13th July - why we must protest
- Gail Ward of DPAC speaks about Universal Credit
- Luton Airport strikes, featuring Chesterfield May Day speech by Len McCluskey of  Unite
- Manchester demo against the Fascists, Losers and Assholes
- Grenfell Tower fire inquiry
- Speeches from FBU North West and LGBT Against Islamophobia, at Manchester anti FLA demo
- Fracking update, including continuation of Misson Springs Solidarity Weekend report

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18th May 2018
A Royal wedding free zone!

This week's broadcast features:
- Israel slaughters protesting Palestinians in Gaza
- TUC New Deal for Working People demo in London, feat speech by Mark Serwotka of the PCS union
- College and school strikes, featuring Chesterfield May Day speech by  Kevin Coutney of the  NEU
- Fracking update and Misson Springs solidarity weekend
- Racism, the "hostile environment", and the coming manchester demo against the FLA
- National Pensioners Convention speech at Chesterfield May Day
- Poetry at Misson Springs solidarity weekend

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11th May 2018

This week's broadcast has reports on:
- Local election results - not a disaster, but could be better
- Trump attacks Iran while Israel bombs Syria
- James Eaden (Chez TUC) speech at Sheffield demo against Syria bombing (April)
- French strikes and protests
- Chesterfield May Day report
- David Kesteven speech at Chesterfield May Day
- Poverty among young people won't be helped by hammering older people
- Andrjez Zebrowski of United Against Racism (Poland) speech at Chesterfield May Day
- Coming Disability Campaigners events

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5th May 2018

This week's broadcast has reports on:
- Windrush Generation racism - Rudd goes, will Savid Javid be any different?
- Anti-Semitism in Labour Party
   plus statement by Louise Haigh MP on Gaza protesters' killings by Israel
- Greek strikes and protests
- Windrush protests, including Sheffield Windrush demo
- Fracking update and Chesterfield May Day
- Trump's planned UK visit
   plus Sheffield Creative Action for Peace on demo against bombing of Syria

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Deeper Underground
Speeches from Sheffield demo for Windrush migrants, 30th April 2018:

27th April 2018

This week's broadcast has reports on:
- Racist treatment of Windrush Generation migrants
- Saudi Arabia bombing of Yemen
- French strikes and student protests
- Israel again attacks Gaza protestors
- Are we being brainwashed by the media?
- Fracking update

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Latest broadcast
21st April 2018

This week's broadcast has reports on:
- Bombing of Syria is about Western imperialism
- Chesterfield Defend Our NHS public meeting
- French strikes and student protests
- Demos against bombing of Syria
- Homelessness not caused by immigration
- Last Saturday's Palestine demo, with updated news
- Fracking update, plus Dennis Skinner MP's speech of 24th February

Held over until next week's broadcast, we still want your views on:
- Does the media brainwash us, and to what degree?
- Is social media spying on us, using our personal info for sinister purposes?
- Does social media cut us off with the real world, or connect us to it?

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Deeper Underground

(Almost) Full recording of Monday 16th April's Defend Our NHS public meeting, at Chesterfield Labour Club

14th April 2018

This week's broadcast has reports on:
- Refugee kids denied schooling by Tories
- Hungarian election disaster as far right gains
- French strikes build and UK workers show solidarity
- Demos for Palestine, with audio from Sheffield demo
- Avoiding racist memes and conspiracy theories
- Anti-fracking action and Sheffield tree protests,
   with audio from Rochdale Herald writer

In time for next week's broadcast, we especially want your views on:
- Does the media brainwash us, and to what degree?
- Is social media spying on us, using our personal info for sinister purposes?
- Does social media cut us off with the real world, or connect us to it?

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7th April 2018
Return broadcast

This week's broadcast has reports on:
- Israeli military violently attack Palestinian demonstrators
- anti-Semitism smears against Corbyn and Labour
- French workers strike against Macron's attacks
- Racism, Football Lads Alliance, and solidarity with Muslims
- Gypsies and travellers welcome in Chesterfield
- Robin Hood vs Fracking in Bolsover

In time for next week's broadcast, we especially want your views on:
- Does the media brainwash us, and to what degree?
- Is social media spying on us, using our personal info for sinister purposes?
- Are conspiracy theories real or racist bullshit?
- Does social media cut us off with the real world, or connect us to it?

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10th March, 2018

In this week's broadcast:
- Hunger strike at Yarls Wood refugee detention centre
- Does immigration really drive down wages ?
- West Virginia teachers' strike
- Fracking, with speech by Deb of Frack Free Sherwood Forest
   (at Not For Shale march, 24-2-2018)
- Hinkley Point, BBB and unpaid wages
- Racism, with speech by Ianna Iannou of the UCU at UCL university
   (at Stand Up To Racism Trade Union conference, 10-2-2018)

2nd March, 2018

In this week's broadcast:
- University  lecturers' strikes
- Italy election - a looming swing to the right?
- Grenfell Tower cladding scandal, including speech by Moyra Samuels
   of Justice 4 Grenfell, at SUTR TU conference, 10/2/2018
- Not For Shale anti-fracking march, including speech by
   David Kestevan of Eckington Against Fracking
- March to save Margate Hospital's stroke unit, plus speech by
   Jackie Berry, an intensive care nurse, at NHS In Crisis rally 3/2/2018
- Refugees put in danger by burning bus, plus speech by
   Claire Moseley of Care 4 Calais,
at SUTR TU conference, 10/2/2018

Comments and views wanted for our discussion on:
The TV licence - is there a fairer way of funding the BBC ?
And how should the BBC be run ?

23rd February, 2018

In this week's broadcast:
- University strikes and tuition fees
- Foreign aid, charities and imperialism
- Parkland School shooting and protest walkouts
- Not For Shale anti-fracking march
- Victory against mental health cuts
   including speech by parents of Becky Romero, at 3rd February's
   NHS In Crisis march in London
- Winston Churchill - hero or villain
    including audio from last Thursday night's
    Chesterfield Socialist Worker forum

Comments and views wanted for our discussion on:
The TV licence - is there a fairer way of funding the BBC ?
And how should the BBC be run ?

Deeper Underground

Chesterfield Socialist Worker forum on Thursday 15th February:
Winston Churchill - hero or villain ?

17th February, 2018

In this week's broadcast:
- Stand Up To Racism Trade Union conference on Saturday 10th February,
   including speech by Weyman Bennett (SUTR)
- Victories against fracking
- Strikes in universities, colleges and schools
- Sheffield protests to save trees
- Campaign to save Huddersfield Royal Infirmary,
   including speech from NHS In Crisis demo on Saturday 3rd February
- Enoch Powell, including speech by Roger McKenzie (Unison) at the
Stand Up To Racism Trade Union conference on Saturday 10th February

Comments and views wanted for our discussion on:
The TV licence - is there a fairer way of funding the BBC ?
And how should the BBC be run ?

9th February, 2018

In this week's broadcast:
- East Coast Mainline reverts to public ownership
- Derbyshire County Council says NO to fracking
- Stock market slump

Much audio from the NHS In Crisis - Fix It Now demo in London,
on Saturday 3rd February,
- Steve Egley , RMT union
- Dr Tony O'Sullivan , Keep Our NHS Public
- Celia, of Unite the Union health division
- John Rees , Peoples Assembly
- Weyman Bennett , Stand Up To Racism

Comments and views wanted for our discussion on:
The TV licence - is there a fairer way of funding the BBC ?
And how should the BBC be run ?

2nd February, 2018

In this week's broadcast:
- Tory govt crisis and NHS crisis
- Haringey Development Vehicle
- Strikes in universities and FE colleges strike ballot
- South Yorkshire Womens Aid protest
- Misson Springs fracking protest
- Gypsy victims of the Nazi Holocaust

Comments and views wanted for our discussion on:
The TV licence - is there a fairer way of funding the BBC ?
And how should the BBC be run ?

Deeper Underground

Chesterfield Holocaust memorial meeting , Monday 29th January -
Sarah Mathias, author of "A Berlin Love Song", talks about the Gypsy victims of the Nazi Holocaust

27th January, 2018

In this week's broadcast:
- NHS crisis
- How PFI was beaten at Nottingham hospital
- Strikes and rally in Manchester
- Womens Marches and anti-Trump protests
- Dispossession film and Tory housing policy
- 1968 Glasgow storm and fracking disaster today

Comments and views wanted for our discussion on:
The TV licence - is there a fairer way of funding the BBC ?
And how should the BBC be run ?

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20th January, 2018

In this week's broadcast:
- Carillion collapse - what next?
- Trump, his cancelled visit, and his rabid policies
- Fujitsu strike after Ian Allinson laid off
- Tunisia protests
- Fracking update - KM8 court case, Ineos injunction appeal, local protests
- Git Of The Week

Comments and views wanted for our discussion on:
The TV licence - is there a fairer way of funding the BBC ?
And how should the BBC be run ?

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13th January, 2018

In this week's broadcast:
- Tories' reshuffle
- Free speech
- 10 reasons to join a union
- Fracking at Misson, near Doncaster
- Git Of The Week
- BBC and the TV licence

Comments and views wanted for our discussion on:
The TV licence - is there a fairer way of funding the BBC ?
And how should the BBC be run ?

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6th January, 2018
Fightback New Year

In the first broadcast of 2018:
- Protests in Iran
- NHS crisis
- Rail strikes and protests
- Fracking and plastics
- Git Of The Week returns!
- To boycott or not to boycott?

Comments and views wanted for our NEW coming discussion on:
The TV licence - is there a fairer way of funding the BBC ?
And how should the BBC be run ?

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Past broadcasts from 2019

Past broadcasts from 2017

Past broadcasts from 2016

Past broadcasts from 2015

Past broadcasts from 2014

Past broadcasts from 2013